Crystal Disease

Description: Aberrant users suffer from a overgrowth of infectious material and sometimes even psion crystals shards inside their brains.

Identifiable with Basic Medical AND Lore: Mortis Amaranthine/Infection.

  • Stage 1 - Occasional blurred vision, minor headaches, and bouts of vertigo. Treat with Basic Medical, 0 Mind Points and 5 Minutes of roleplaying removing infectious material from brain tissue.

  • Stage 2 - Severe headaches, chills, nausea induced by dizziness. Treat with Basic Medical, 0 Mind Points and 10 Minutes of roleplaying removing infectious material from brain tissue.

  • Stage 3 - Hearing voices & seeing undead that aren't there. If Grave Attuned - increase RP of frequency/volume. Treat with Basic Medical, 5 Mind Points and 20 Minutes of roleplaying removing infectious material from brain tissue.

  • Stage 4 - Crippling head pains, vomiting, cold sweats and occasional blood loss via the nose, eyes, and ears. Proficient Medical, 5 Mind Points and 10 Minutes of roleplaying removing infectious material and psion crystal shards from brain tissue.

  • Stage 5 - Severe hallucinations of hearing voices of the dead, regular vivid visual and tactile hallucinations of ghostlike figures. Master Medical w/ Mortis Amaranthine OR Graverobber spend 10 Mind Points and 20 Minutes of roleplaying removing infectious material and purple psion crystal shards from brain tissue.

Duration Between Stages: 6 Hours

Research: Per “Researching a Disease”, pg 186

Remission or Cure? Cure is known. Treatment will cure patients.

Return from Mortis Amaranthine Cure Disease? No

Notes: OK/AR Item: Holy Icky (Holistic Infectious Goop) used to aid in treatment. 1 Use reduces mind cost by 5.