July 2018 - New Things

Heya Survivors!

This month we've got a few new things in store for you all - and one of them is trying to post more of our announcements here.

Schedule Change

Last month we tried a pretty tiring schedule where mods ran from game start on Friday night into the weeeee hours of Sunday morning. In unrelated news everyone was tired as hell and we love ya'll but we don't want to do that again. >_>

Instead this month we'll be using the following schedule:

  • Game Start, Friday 9pm
  • Quiet Hours, Saturday 4am-8am
  • Heat Adv. Hours, Saturday Noon-4pm (No mods for player safety)
  • Quiet Hours, Sunday 4am-8am
  • Game End, Sunday Noon (Also there aren't any NPCs scheduled for Sunday morning, but with Dave that doesn't always mean you're safe. >_>)

New Things from Director's Retreat

1. No more mailing policy, mail things directly to other players. If you end up receiving a Unique Item Card, you need to bring it to Dave or myself for approval before it can enter play in Arkansas. You can still send mail to us if you want it delivered by Blue Birds. 

2. Marketing photos and use of specific color palettes. We all love new players, and we know that one of the best ways to snag the attention of people who don't know us is through awesome photos. So to that end we've created a color palette and we'll work with photographers to make really good photos match that palette. We're also going to set up a small 'staged' area near the pool house where you can pose and photographers can take pictures for both you, and us, to use. To make this all nice and legal we're going to have photo waivers for everyone to sign during check-in, that way if you want to opt out of having your photos used for marketing (not everyone's job is cool with the post-apocalyptic lifestyle >_>) you can let us know in writing. 

^This also means we're gonna start using our Instagram! o.0

3. We're learning new things from other people in the industry, and the industry is larger than you think. You can expect to see us continuing to add things to our set up and experience - some of them we'll ask you to be involved in, but as always...we encourage you to opt out when you're not interested/comfortable in participating.

Opening Narrative/Warm-Up

After opening announcements (around 10-15 min after) we'll have a guided opening narrative. This is our version of a tool other games use to help players transition from their own headspace into the headspace of their character. They've found that having opening and closing narrative sessions can help reduce bleed.

So how does it work? We come up with a few words to encapsulate the theme of the weekend. This helps frame the phrases used during the guided narrative, which is accompanied by a heartbeat rhythm provided by those involved. It'll speed up or slow down as part of the process, but don't worry - all you have to do is follow the guide's instructions. :)

This month's theme is overcoming obstacles


See you all in the wastes! <3