Pro-Tip Thursday 10-5-2023. Resouces!

Hey there Survivors!!   Welcome to today’s edition of Pro-Tip Thursday!  

Today our topic is about how to get those all important resources in our game!  

One of the fun things about Dystopia Rising is the many diverse resources you can collect and use.  We have talked about crafting in the past, so today we are going to learn how to produce resources!   

There are 3 kinds of resources that can be used in our game.  They are Herb, Scrap and Good old fashioned money… also known as Stone in our town!  

Now, to get ahead of everyone saying.. “Gee Curtis isn’t that an over simplification of the resources?”  Well yeah…  But those are the core of production.  Without herb there is no food or brews, without scrap there is no weapons or armor.  The smart ones out there are now waiting for me to mention how money is important to production… But I will answer that one last.  

Let's begin with the easy one Herb.  Getting herb is easiest to explain.  You can spend time in the Ag area to “Grow” the herb.  It's pretty simple to explain the skill of Basic Agriculture.  You can spend time and Mind to create Herb.  You can also Forage for Herb as well.  There is a special form of herb cards that are called produce cards.  These are meats, eggs, fruit and vegetables. These are produced with skills like hunting and foraging.  Cooks and Brewers can combine these materials to make brews and meals. 

Scrap is the second major category of resources.  Collecting scrap is done through several different methods.  Foraging, Salvaging and trailblazing are skills that can produce the scrap that is needed to craft armor and weapons.  This is also a fairly simple overview of how to collect scrap.  The skills I mentioned have different tactics for the different types of scrap you may need.  But without scrap our Artisan’s cannot make all the weapons, armor, gizmo’s and other items we use during the game. 

Finally we get to the final resource… Money or as we like to call it “Stone”. In Quiet Hollows our money denominations are as follows: Pyrite (1), Malachite (5) and Azurite (10).   Stone indeed makes the world go round.  If you don't have it and you can't produce it… You can buy it.  This is something that I personally enjoy about our game. We have a robust economy game.  Buying and selling items that are needed.  There are several skills that have what are called “Buy Lists”. These are things you can buy from the post office if you have that particular skill.  Criminal, Sailing, Trade connections and others. Those items can be bought each game.  The hard part about Stone is… There are very few skills that actually can produce money from thin air for you. Actually there is one skill that can produce money out of thin air without working for it and that is Proficient Trade Connections. But if you don't have the stones to invest in that… you don't get any back!  That is why you get involved with those strangers who lure you out to the woods for one job or another.   To get that Stone!  

Another thing I enjoy about our game is the ways Players make things to sell for in game profits!  I personally have a cookie addiction that gets fed every game.  I will gladly spend my stones for that!  This is by no means mandatory but you can always find a way to hustle for that stone!    

Now one of the things we bring up a lot is that it's hard to be the Lone Wolf in our game.  Finding a crew to work with makes life easier to get things done. You can also learn who in town has what you may need or how to get it. Interacting with all players can help you find that one piece of scrap or herb you may need to get!  

So good luck getting out there to find what you need!  Watch your back while you are looking because you never know what has decided that YOU are the resource they need! 

Till Next time Survivors!!  

See you in the waste!!!