Pro-Tip Thursday Returns!!!

Greetings Survivors!!!!! After a long Winters Break, its time to start getting ready to Fight some Zed!!!

Yes!! The winter is over, and the winter horde will be leaving the area of Quiet Hollows!! Its time to return to enjoy the game we all love so Much! I have been missing your faces and I am getting excited about being able to get out in the woods and play!

Welcome to Quiet Hollows… A great place to survive!

Today’s Pro-tip Thursday is a Two-fer! The first is some good advice about preparing to return to game and the second is a good tip to remember when game starts!!!

To Begin, our first tip of the Day!
Game is about to start and that means it’s time for Spring Cleaning! Like most of you, at the end of the last game in November, I packed all my gear into the garage and have not thought about it since.

Now is the best time to pull that gear out and make sure its clean and ready to go! Dont wait till game day to open that tub! Who knows what you may have forgot in there!

The same goes for your camping gear! Get it out, make sure its in good shape. Be ready to set up a comfortable and safe camp so you are not miserable!

Take an inventory of what you may need to replace. Yes, Walmart is close to camp, but a little preparation will go a long way!

Our Second tip of the day deals is an IN-game Tip and reminder!!!

SEARCH EVERYTHING!!!!! Everything could have loot, or salvage or items on them. Even the lowliest ZED! Take the time to search!!

There are times we release plot items on mods. If you dont search them, you wont find them!!!

Take the time!

Ok Survivors!! Those are the tips of the day! I am looking forward to another Great season at Dystopia Rising Arkansas!!

Till next time!!!

See you in the waste!!!