Pro-Tip Thursday! Changes in the wind!

Greetings Survivors!! Welcome to Pro-Tip Thursday! Today we are going to talk about many changes we are making around here! We have listened to lots of feedback from last season and we are making the changes to improve our game where we can.

Lets start with the physical changes we made to our game site.

We moved our Ops and NPC camp down to the Chapel. No more walking up that huge hill to turn in research or ask questions. Now our NPC’s can move through the trails to pop out anywhere in our game space. Heightening the overall risk to the game.

Also, to add to the risk to the game, we also spread out the production areas to relieve the feeling that everything is sitting on top of each other. Everything is close enough to yell for help, but crafters beware of going alone!

The other major change is how we are sending out information to our players. While I am sure you all love Pro-tip Thursday and enjoy my ramblings of things. Its better to be able to look stuff up when you need to plan things out. So we have been revamping our LOCAL MECHANICS on our website.

page is full of information that you want to know about. The list includes our updated local blueprints, our NEW CAPS BUYLIST and a brand new Local Policies.

This page provides you detailed information of our local policies. One of the issues we have had in the past is that we did not have a clear communication channel to explain what we set for our local policies. So this page has been added to solve that problem. Right now, we have two new local policies listed. One is what we are looking for in armor coverage and the other is the New Blue Bird “I am too young to die” mechanic. This was also where we had the new Lineage mechanic, but we had to take it down because we had to tweak it comply with our national system. We are going to be play testing it before we put it back up.

Information communication improvement has been a major goal for our team. In Order to help solve this problem is making sure that our players know who is best to answer questions. I just want to go over that list so everyone is on the same page.

Before game:

If you are asking about a Story, plot or PFA writing question, before a game, you will start with Cody (, Cody will interface with the writers and with Ro to make sure you get the answers you need.

If you are having a logistical problem : IE check in, ticket purchase etc. Then you can email Nikki is the queen of all thing’s logistics.

If you are wanting to character set up, rewrite or new player information.Reach out to me at

If you have a prop question or design question, Beth is the visual designer of our game so she can be Emailed at

Most of us are very active on discord. We do not mind DM’s asking us questions, but we ask that you be patient with us and be respectful of our time. I personally am an old man who goes to bed early so if you shoot me a late-night question, it most likely will be answer in the morning!

During Game:

if you have a story question, look for Ian who will be guiding our ops team running the game.

If it is a site problem, look for me or go to the post office and tell them what is happening.

At any time if you are having an issue that requires us to intervene as owners, please reach out to me at I am the person who handles player mediation and customer service.

Whew…. Ok yes, I know a very long pro-tip. But hopefully a good one.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Till next time my friends!!